There is the so-called 'golden triangle' of the sewage plant, the air force base and the waste incinerating plant.
Opponents charged that the waste plant was earmarked for this region because the local community lacked the political power to resist the threat to drinking water.
It has no provisions to protect wellheads and wetlands and does not oversee hazardous waste plants.
In March, there will be city hearings on creating a uniform policy on where waste plants could be built.
It was brought here to be incinerated in the waste plant.
Once the fighting was over, Constantine sent in some military engineers to the waste plants, and they fixed the problem in two days.
It is a continuation of the racially insensitive policies that have concentrated waste plants in poor, minority communities.
Even the most efficient waste plants produce pollutants, and not many communities believe that they will be properly maintained.
The government is committed to reopening the waste plant on the island after work on improving its management is completed.
The elimination of PVC from waste plants is thus important.