We have been wasting too much time, money and sympathy on the few who spoil it for the many.
Audiences were prepared to take the lovers' side and did not normally waste much sympathy on the father who was deceived.
She turned away, unwilling to waste sympathy on him.
Galtier wasted little sympathy on them, not when they were bound for the stew pot or the roasting pan.
Consumers should waste little sympathy on California fruit growers.
Never waste sympathy for the losers in this world, Dirk advised him.
He could not afford to waste sympathy on the Sea Caths.
I should not waste too much sympathy in that direction.
No one in Jessica Epps' company was going to waste much sympathy on anyone who chose to participate in the slave trade.
"Don't waste sympathy on me," she said and there was a note of hardness in her voice.