There has been no breakthrough in housing, nor is any now in prospect- instead the ancient, wasteful methods of building are now being confirmed by public subsidies.
When the bank was high, as it was here, it was also an extremely wasteful method of collecting water.
"Aside from the very wasteful methods that seemed to be in vogue in the kitchen - nothing," replied Mrs. Kirk firmly.
Laria couldn't help but stare and wonder why such an antiquated and wasteful method was still in use when Clarf had its own Tower.
It is the wasteful method of using this fuel that is causing the bulk of their atmospheric and regolithic contamination.
They could ripen as mates and executive officers into Cap'ns. But the Family had no time now for such extended, subtle, and probably wasteful methods.
We elect to be absurd and to return to the truly crude and wasteful methods of our forefathers.
Although many crops are processed for freezing or bottling, there are wasteful methods with roots and top fruits that can be preserved intact.
It's a wasteful method, and destructive of good order and discipline.
On the other hand, these food articles are all bought at small retail, the most expensive and wasteful method of purchasing.