For most of human history, midnight was, literally, the middle of the night - not time to watch Letterman or Leno.
Across the room, Scotch was in an armchair watching Letterman.
I watch Letterman at 8:30.
Then she tells me about the show, and we watch Letterman together.
"I watched Letterman in college and thought it was the funniest thing on TV," Mr. O'Brien said.
We'll watch Leno or Letterman.
Deirdre was in her living room, watching Letterman on television, the cordless phone at her side.
When you lost right away you got discouraged, went home, watched Letterman on the tube, and then went to sleep.
For your edgier product lines, let them watch Letterman and "Seinfeld" tapes and tune in the O. J. trial on company time.
Come out and watch Letterman with me.