Rohgan and Tylmaurek were already in the front seat, watching Spock apprehensively.
Desus watched Spock's every move, and came up close behind the Vulcan.
He couldn't keep from laughing and neither could Kirk, who watched Spock lift an eyebrow.
She lay curled on her side, watching Spock unobtrusively through half-closed eyes.
When the captain returned to the command chair he found McCoy was watching Spock as intently.
Have you seen the way he watches Spock?
Jim Kirk sat watching Spock with some amusement.
Kirk turned around to watch Spock, who was looking into his station's viewer.
Still watching Spock, Kirk rolled his shoulders back and forth.
She turned away from the body to watch Spock clumsily attempting to bandage the security guard's wounds.