And now I had the opportunity to watch Tiger in the prime of his career in competition.
You have to accept that the people are there to watch Tiger and not you.
He has to watch Tiger.
In the parking lot we climbed a rock wall to watch Tiger working on his stroke on the practice putting green, grateful to catch even a fleeting glimpse of him.
"The crowds were quite large, and I dare say the majority were there to watch Tiger," Duval said.
You see a lot of guys getting caught up in watching Tiger, but a lot of guys are getting obsessed by it and it's to their detriment.
More players should watch Tiger, I think.
But, he added: "I don't think you get too tired of watching Tiger.
"We didn't want to get too wrapped up watching Tiger and Angel, too," Andy Barnes said.
"It was pretty cool to watch a kid out there having as much fun as Sergio does and watching Tiger as good as he is," Wiebe said.