The other girls, too, watched excitedly, all of them coming to my side of the wagon, wedging among us, lifting up the rain canvas, peeping out.
I remember being a grad student and watching excitedly as the first images came back from Cassini and Huygens indicating possible precipitation.
Kitty, who was excitedly watching his fingers, seized his hand.
In a deserted field, a group of men loaded a newly arrived Soviet-built multiple rocket launcher with fresh rockets, as local children watched excitedly.
Arriving at the bar, they find that all the patrons are excitedly watching Stanley's antics on Channel 62.
Lynn watched excitedly as he pulled the package free of the brown paper.
They watched excitedly to see what would happen now.
Everyone watched excitedly as Joe unwrapped the package.
But he thought that anyone who read it would "remember it and talk about it and watch excitedly" for the author's next book.
She gave the car the gun, excitedly watching the needle swing past 30, 40, and 50.