City folk watched jealously while peasant incomes rose as farmers sold excess produce on the country's new "free markets."
Following me to the baseline, he demonstrated, stroking several balls over the net as I watched jealously.
He watched jealously Rose's companionship with others; and though he knew it was unreasonable could not help sometimes saying bitter things to him.
We watched jealously as the first batch of blokes drew their desert kit and departed.
I watched jealously as she and Potter constructed complicated dishes.
Wolsey jealously watched the rising influence of Henry's courtiers.
They were jealously watching the growing wealth of Aluppikaka.
It was founded under Napoleon's personal direction, and he never ceased to watch over it jealously.
But this is a perilous privilege, which the gods watch jealously.
Frances watched jealously from the door, as Harriet supervised Hester's packing.