An international banker, Mr. Chandler spent the day munching Cuban food bought from vendors and watching the clown acts, jugglers and listen to amplified pop groups like Menudo and the Miami Sound Machine perform on side streets with lesser known bands.
They walked toward the King's pavilion, pausing to watch acrobats and jugglers, or to sample the treats of the vendors.
Over wine and pate on crusty loaves of French bread, scores of people sat at tables under strings of red, white and blue lights and watched singers, dancers, jugglers and even a re-enactment of the death of Marat.
At Sir Pom-Pom's urging, they dismounted, tethered their horses to a rail at the front of the inn, and went to watch the clowns and jugglers performing in the square.
Typical activities include watching assorted magicians, jugglers and fire-eaters, listening to musicians perform on period instruments, appreciating old-time crafts, and tasting forgotten drinks and dishes.
Instead, from a bar in the main square, we watched fire-eating jugglers and nibbled on queso Manchego which arrived, unrequested, to complement the wine.
Crossing the square, we snaked our way through crowds gathered to watch jugglers, unicyclists, singers, fire eaters, and other street entertainers.
Most of the marijuana fans quietly watched the cheerleaders and jugglers, but whenever a knot of them gathered, police officers put barricades around them, much to the demonstrators' amusement.
Spending just under two hours watching comic jugglers may not be everybody's idea of a great evening out, but the troupe won me over.