His eyes were full of tears; he was obviously watching members of his family buried.
You've grown up with these names and these icons since childhood, and it's like watching members of your family leave.
Then, Mr. Mapcantonio rested a few minutes and watched various members of the kitchen staff at work.
Mrs. Friedman became troubled over property taxes as she watched members of her civic association struggle to pay their bills.
At this time, courtiers assembled to watch the king and members of the royal family pass.
Over 5,000 people assembled to watch members of the gang being led to the gallows.
They stopped to watch certain members of his group sleep.
One features an emperor squatting with his pipe, as he watches members of his cabinet standing on their heads.
And it has been a pleasure to watch members of a jaded chattering class occasionally engage, for a change, in serious, impassioned debate.
When they go golden throat to golden throat, it is like watching members of another species in action.