If he watches only 15 minutes of tape, his success rate is about 90 percent.
I think it is ridiculous to watch 20 minutes of commercials for a hour long show.
I hope people, and children, watch only 30 minutes of TV a day.
Children, they say, should not be watching 60 minutes of life-threatening scenarios.
He said the average consumer now watched 4 hours and 32 minutes of television a day.
Wasn't that a long way to come to watch 4 minutes and 30 seconds of fireworks?
Many dogs that once ignored television are now watching 50 minutes a day.
Why should I drop more than $10 to watch 30 minutes of ads followed by a 90-minute movie?
I watched 15 minutes of the American version and gave up.
On average they watch only 15 or 20 minutes in a session.