For parents who watched wistfully as their friends, neighbors and family members took religious school for granted, such educational opportunities are deeply appreciated.
Betty wistfully watches her father and Elena cuddling on the couch.
Could he not see Nora's elfin face peering around the point, watching for him wistfully?
Then the big man sat, watching wistfully while the rest finished.
He stood in the doorway and watched wistfully as she pulled the door closed again.
My war band watches now wistfully for some warning beacon aflame.
I'd watch wistfully as the owners of those lawns drove off and left their grass to others.
She watched wistfully as the waiter grated fresh Parmesan on the others' dishes, but shook him off with a noble little nod.
The two old men watched wistfully as their rich strike vanished.
Most of the afternoon players filtered into the stadium early and wistfully watched the first workout.