That includes adding staff to agency production departments and increasing their watchdog function and preproduction preparation.
Still, because of his watchdog function, he articulates his "skeptical and critical attitude towards the government and business elites".
The reason is simple: the watchdog function of the press is absent.
They perform valuable watchdog functions, monitoring both business and government.
More likely, such an Unpresident would dilute the Council as a check by forcing it to share its watchdog function.
How Plan Would Work The new committee would perform a watchdog function over the board.
Scandal coverage fulfills an important watchdog function, he acknowledged.
If the Commission does not know the answer, what trust can we have in its watchdog function as data protection comes under increasing pressure?
He added that a self-regulatory group could easily be established with "the same watchdog function" for the financial advisory industry.
That includes a watchdog function by which it takes direct action to encourage parties to armed conflict to comply with international humanitarian law.