He showed off a project on what he called "water displacement" - how sponges work and how liquid-filled tubes make music.
They will also be five meters broader and have three times the water displacement of the old ships.
Options include water displacement, tape measurement, infrared scanning, and bioelectrical impedance measures.
The action is so smooth and the water displacement so little, hardly any evidence of a disturbed surface, even in calm conditions, remains.
They had to take into account everything from the impact upon local sea life to the water displacement for which a new continent would be responsible.
Second video shows a detail of the actual water displacement.
The ships used by the Ostend company were medium-sized, with an average water displacement between 200 and 600 tons.
When the lay experts played back the molecules, they would quickly be bored by the minutiae of human water displacements.
It is currently the largest supertanker in China with a total water displacement of 350 thousand tons.
A table made by the shipyard shows the water displacement for each draft.