In the ancient times water has irrigated from Amban river to Parakrama Samudra in a canal done in stone.
Its waters, augmented by the Girou which flows into its right bank, irrigate the market gardens around Toulouse.
Now, the dam is used as a great pong, and its water irrigates the areas around Pahuarchuco mountain, being used for the local agriculture.
Someone filled the five rivers with poison, And this same water now irrigates our soil.
Fishing is common as a source of supplementary income, and the water from the lake irrigates nearby rice fields.
The waters of Gang canal irrigate the farms of this tehsil.
The water irrigates the Plain of Harran.
The water released by the power plant irrigates another 4360 km2 of CCA in Mahanadi delta.
The water irrigates more than a million acres (4,000 km2) of otherwise arid land, producing much of Idaho's potato crop.
The water is not paid for by volume but per unit of area irrigated as in the case of DRAT above.