From there, the water likely leached into the aquifer, which was at a very low level because of the drought.
Consumers Union, publisher of Consumer Reports magazine, discovered that water was leaching solvent out of the filter in 1982.
The water had leached her gray where the skin was gone, but it had been cold water and she clearly hadn't been in it more than a few days.
Acidic water leaches mercury from otherwise harmless rocks and soil.
Every handful of loose gravel not wholly water leached affords a plant footing, and even in such unpromising surroundings there is a choice of locations.
Water supplies become contaminated because increasingly acidic water leaches copper and lead from water supply systems.
Still more dirty water leaches in from compromised septic fields and cesspools in Bedford Hills and Katonah.
Soda straws grow in places where water leaches slowly through cracks in rock, such as on the roofs of caves.
He stated that the chloramine-treated water was leaching lead not only from the old lead lines, but also from brass fixtures in homes.
Avoid softening your drinking water, since soft water can leach lead from pipes.