It is currently being investigated whether the water outflow can be used for energy purposes.
Milton (1974) suggested the decomposition of CO clathrate caused rapid water outflows and formation of chaotic terrains.
The cold, 6 C, water outflows transformed the already fractured rock into a pulpy mass, regularly clogging up the shell of the northern tunnel lead (or adit).
This was due, in part, to an increase of water outflow from the Francis H. Clergue Generating Station.
When cold weather hits Florida during the winter months, the animals have taken to swimming in the warm water outflows at state power plants.
Stamets originally came up with the technique to control E. coli in the water outflow from his property.
The fact that manatees tend to gather in the warm water outflows of power plants furthers the likelihood of the spread of disease.
Lark Seep is fed by the water outflow from a waste water treatment plant located at China Lake.
By June 4 water outflow from the lake had increased to 3700 cusecs.
Water flows out of wetlands by evapotranspiration, surface runoff, and sub-surface water outflow.