Clouds ease the roasting afternoon sun but deny me maximum water production.
Don't want to pollute tomorrow's water production, but can't afford to throw it out.
Such water production may take place as a by-product, possibly unwanted, of dehumidification.
Today, the water production is about half the peak rate.
Humans, by contrast, obtain only about 8-10% of their water needs through metabolic water production.
To increase water production, a village simply adds additional pyramids.
Between 1996 and 2003, water production has increased by 18 percent with 81,000 new household connections and 400 standpipes.
"We have increased safe water production and distribution from nothing to 100,000 gallons a day."
I would say water production in particular, that is what my group actually supports.
Trail's heavy water production started in January 1944 and continued until 1956.