The sun in the sky is joined by hundreds that flash from water ripples.
The two men fell silent for a moment, listening to the water ripple past the sandbar.
No, it's nothing as garish as a water ripple, but there is an animation.
The sun was low on the horizon, making the water ripple with golds and startling pinks.
He uses these to demonstrate the real-time water ripples and dynamics.
Blowing it out slowly through pursed lips, he watched sheets of water ripple down the windshield.
As water ripples, so did the light ripple, running with shadow.
She shrugged in answer to her own question, making the steaming water ripple away from her.
Every now and then Bolan saw the water ripple, as if to the passage of unseen creatures.
The dog reclines on a quayside, while water ripples against the sea-wall.