It is likely that flood damage was exacerbated by changes in land use which have seen increases in the intensity of water run-off.
Its crystal-clear waters are attributed to its remote location and lack of terrestrial water run-off.
One is the watershed areas will dry up and during heavy rain, rapid water run-off will occur creating flash floods.
Porous paving systems and decomposed granite also limit potential damage from increased water run-off from the site.
Among these are the famous gargoyles, designed for water run-off, and chimeras.
The Chicago City Hall green roof helps cool the building and minimize water run-off.
The water content must also be balanced; green courts are often sloped in order to allow water run-off.
One environmental (water run-off) sample tested positive for the Salmonella serotype involved in the outbreak.
The moist air of the agricultural area is drawn into the foggara in the opposite direction to the water run-off.
In October 2010 Mannus Lake was inundated with water run-off after days of rain.