But never water at night, because moisture will just sit on the leaves and encourage black spot or mildew.
I don't have a fire here, but I can provide fresh water and a place to sit in comfort.
The water sat in some homes for three months.
With few guests, the water sits in the pipes longer and cools quickly.
The kettle had boiled, the water sat ready, covered with a piece of clean linen.
When water sits around for too long, it becomes stagnant.
You know, this water has been sitting for a billion years, locked in limestone.
If the water sits in the reservoir for longer than a day or so, it's filtered again to keep it fresh and clean.
However, for fish, it is best to let the water sit over night and the chlorine will have evaporated to save levels.
Clay has been found within it, meaning that water once sat there for a time.