A water supply system has been installed that came in most handy against the floods this year when water submerged a part of the College ground.
Swamps are wetland areas where water totally or partially submerges the vegetation, for part or most of the year.
The water gradually submerged the roads that had linked the towns.
The water of the Koshi river pour out from the breach that develops in its western embankment and submerge a large portion of it.
But in Belkis, the swelling waters are not just disrupting lives or forever submerging long-cherished homes.
At its deepest, the pond is about five feet, although water may submerge parts of the open walkway in spring.
Through the glimmering landscape wound the dark ribbon of the steadily widening river, and as the waters submerged the land that deadly glow continued unchanging in the depths.
The tank is filled with water and a swimsuit-clad female assistant climbs inside, takes a deep breath, and submerges herself.
The rising waters of the lake submerged an ancient bridge, believed by locals to be of Etruscan origin, that was visible just north of the town.
St. Thomas was purchased by the US Federal Government and abandoned as the waters of Lake Mead submerged the town.