Since many areas that are on town systems have strict watering restrictions, gardeners there can only stand by and watch.
In many communities, mandatory watering restrictions have already been put into effect.
However, as we begin the fourth year of low rainfall (an understatement in my area) and severe watering restrictions, these brunneras are no longer ideal for my garden.
Critics say the project could also be exempt from some watering restrictions.
Nursery owners have been meeting with members of the County Drought Emergency Task Force, to press for easing of some watering restrictions.
(The summer's strict watering restrictions have helped, though.)
The South Florida Water Management District is only now considering permanent, year-round watering restrictions.
The watering restriction spreads out usage.
In 2001, the Dallas City Council took conservation efforts to another level by adopting an irrigation ordinance which included time-of-day watering restrictions.
If there are no local watering restrictions, use the hose on woody plants, particularly azaleas and rhododendrons.