Due to a waterlogged pitch, the match was rescheduled for the 13th but eventually abandoned without a ball being bowled.
However, due to poor weather and waterlogged pitches, three matches were postponed until the weekend of 20 January 2008.
The eighth match of the series, scheduled for 26 October 1994, was abandoned due to a waterlogged pitch.
However the first match was cancelled due to a waterlogged pitch, making it a one off match.
Torrential rain had left the game in some doubt and the waterlogged pitch ensured a tentative start by both sides.
However, the game was later abandoned due to a waterlogged pitch.
Smith has three days to fix an injury-wrecked squad and a waterlogged pitch.
But it was Norwich who gained the ultimate revenge by winning 5-0 on an extremely waterlogged pitch.
A planned friendly against Shepshed was cancelled because of a waterlogged pitch.
When the rain is excessive an event might be cancelled because of a waterlogged pitch.