Instead, Spy was given a glass of watermelon juice with ginger and mint before being escorted to her room.
Whisk or blend together about 2 tablespoons of the watermelon juice, oil, vinegar and cayenne.
There are drinks made with fresh watermelon juice, papaya, lime and tamarind.
Or that watermelon juice could create an irresistible margarita ($7)?
Just in time for summer, this watermelon juice is bubbly, all natural, and low cal the perfect lunchtime sip with a punch!
Add the syrup to the watermelon juice.
As the watermelon juice and vinegar simmered, a livid red foam developed on the surface.
Measure out 4 1/2 cups watermelon juice and place in a saucepan.
I had to pee, but 1 wanted something very cold and sweet to drink, watermelon juice or mango.