I carried some food in my pockets, and a light waterproof coat, which was my sole camp equipment for the next two or three days.
The girl opened her loose brown waterproof coat and turned completely around.
There Faversham left me to get his waterproof coat, which was not far down the hall from the front door.
Debbie wears a waterproof red coat, is uneducated and naive.
Peter felt the rain beating against his waterproof coat.
In the little hall, Francis put on a waterproof coat and cap and they went out by the back door.
The breed has a waterproof, medium long coat that doesn't hold much dirt and is easily cleaned by a simple brushing.
He rubbed the bloodstains off the waterproof coat and began to pull it on, ready to stand in for the fallen soldier.
It was a bedroom, and from the clothes cupboard he took a hanger bearing his ancient waterproof coat.
Their wooly waterproof coat is very thick and curly.