During his term, the Langevin Bridge was completed and the city begun construction of the waterworks system.
In 1868, the city constructed its first waterworks system.
After another downtown fire in 1894, a waterworks system was installed at a cost of $20,000.
The water tower was constructed as part of a waterworks systems that was installed in 1900.
In 1939, the first municipal waterworks system was constructed.
Council elections in 1949 were dominated by the issue of whether or not to hold another plebiscite on establishing a waterworks system.
The waterworks system required constant maintenance up until a major retooling in the 1980s.
Finally he undertook the task of completing the waterworks system of the Cuban capital.
Page also strengthened the Health Department and advocated for an improvement to public waterworks system.
He designs included a hospital, a waterworks system, a schoolhouse, a theatre, and homes.