Moreover, dolphins and other cetaceans have evolved in a watery environment, a much better medium than air for the transmission of sound.
In turn the later reptiles could diversify on land when they could lay eggs away from a watery environment.
This experience, along with the watery interior environment, was meant to symbolize a return to the womb.
Good, genuine, fresh panela inhabits a similar watery environment to mozzarella, and can be used in quite the same fashion.
The people of Holland found themselves living in an unstable, watery environment.
This creature was either something that escaped, or else he simply released it into the watery environment to see how it would survive.
What if humans had never left their watery environment?
Their job is to pick up and ferry various fatty molecules through watery environments to target destinations.
"Oxides give you exquisite control of composition," he said, and work well in the watery environment required for playing around with proteins.
The Dogon legends state that the Nommos required a watery environment in which to live.