The wardrobe door was decorated with more Uzbeks and Siberian construction workers shimmering in the watery reflection of the chimes.
The paintings also focus on the optical perception of light, watery reflections and bright green foliage and on the generous, gesturally activated application of paint itself.
In effect, visitors looking into the pools will see watery reflections of the buildings that no longer tower above.
It was the texture of the ceramics that got to the boys, the cool, gently pitted surfaces, the watery reflections, the satisfying heft.
Rising from the water, surrounded by watery reflections of the sky, lay the remains of the last scions of Martha.
There was light, watery reflections glancing and bouncing off the floor.
This causal link is played on by the watery reflection of the moon in the lower left corner of the painting; the boy is literally moonstruck.
Ms. Carkeek tints the grain of plywood panels to bring out swirling light and dark patterns suggestive of watery reflections or moonlit skies.
This nostalgia is heightened after dark when the Seine shimmers with the watery reflections of floodlit monuments and bridges.
How much more extraordinary the city's watery reflections must have been in the days before electric light!