It had a rickety wattle fence around it, made by weaving green branches between stakes.
They all flew out from behind the wattle fence of the apiary and disappeared in the direction of the marsh.
"God bless the holding and the holder," said Cadfael, reining in by the wattle fence.
Back towards the house, a wattle fence divides off the western side of the garden.
In medieval Europe, large fishing weir structures were constructed from wood posts and wattle fences.
They were nearing the trodden path that led up a grassy slope to the open gate in the wattle fence.
She went to the gate in the wattle fence with the baby on her arm, lifted the pin and let them into the enclosure.
She stole a glance at Saben, now lounging against the gate of the wattle fence.
Paks saw that the man on her side had bent double and moved along the wattle fence to the corner, where he crouched in readiness.
She ducked behind the wattle fence, slid around the windowless end of the building, and came to the back door before the woman realized her intent.