He waved acknowledgment and got into the field car.
Gabriel held up one finger, and she waved acknowledgment.
On the main screen one of the Diagnostician's hands waved acknowledgment, and he returned to the private channel.
Behind the bar, Long-Drink waved acknowledgment and turned to The Machine.
Jim waved acknowledgment and Judy said, "Got it!"
She slowed as they neared driver-only territory; he waved acknowledgment that he had heard her, and trotted on alone.
He glanced up, caught sight of her, and waved acknowledgment.
The team leader waved acknowledgment and treated the message as something that mattered not a bit.
She stood just outside the docking tube to the bay's number two assault shuttle, and he waved acknowledgment.
The watchrider extended his arm, completing the salute as Moreta waved acknowledgment.