Corbett turned and angrily waved at the porter to stay where he was.
The king" let go of Simon's wrist and waved at him angrily.
Levin gave him his own and angrily waved at his wife to go away.
Satisfied that he no longer needed the men on the fire escape, he angrily waved them away.
Frank made the sign of the cross, then waved angrily toward Montoya.
She waved angrily not to be disturbed, so Grushenka had an opportunity to study the group just described.
He waved angrily at Cadillac as the Mute reached them.
They had stopped the pursuit and were now talking to each other, their arms waving angrily in the distance.
Government soldiers waved angrily at passengers pausing to watch, motioning them inside.
A uniformed policeman angrily waving the bus into a side street.