In roughly the same instant, the wave violently collided with the rear of the ship.
Do these waves collide in the air, sure they do.
The Devil's Churn is a long crack in the coastal rock that fills with each ocean wave, occasionally exploding as incoming and outgoing waves collide.
Then there was a tingling boil of foam, as a receding wave collided with an advancing one.
Acoustic absorption refers to a material, structure or object absorbing sound energy when sound waves collide with it, as opposed to reflecting the energy.
The crossbowman had set his sights on Cadderly again when the wave collided against the side of his boat.
The waves collided and expanding rings of plasma burst into being, giving Cible the aspect of a miniature Saturn.
A wave of heat trapped underneath the hotel portico collided with the thick black fumes and washed over me.
From Figure 10.3, it appears that the approaching waves collide at the surface and reach a horizon at.
The plane on which the two waves collide is given by, or by which is between the two horizons.