Veteran Feminists of America regularly hosts reunions for second wave feminists and events honoring feminist leaders.
She has further argued that her mother's neglect of her was a common practice among second wave feminists, even a tenet of second-wave feminism.
This was a reoccurring opinion amongst many of the second wave feminists who were McGinley's contemporaries.
New wave American feminists are destroying a far more potent symbol of oppression - their bathroom scales.
Like other third wave feminists, riot grrls attempted to foster an acceptance of the diversity of feminist expression.
A significant concern of second wave feminists in Canada was access to abortion.
Watching a young band rehearse onstage, she mused, "They used to call us third wave feminists, but these girls are like, the fourth or fifth wave."
The women of this reformist movement were known as "Japan's first wave feminists".
Kishida and Japan's other first wave feminists mainly focused on improving the status of women.
Despite sweeping shifts in gender roles over the past few decades, first and second wave feminists continue to scrutinize the woman's role in society.