The falling dot became a boulder and the extensions began waving lazily.
One of them raised his head and lazily waved me through.
The chen looked up from a paperpage book and waved lazily.
One of the visitors inspecting the personnel shuttle lifted an arm that was like a giant crane and waved lazily to Riker.
Pick-ups rumbled along, the men in the back waving lazily as I overtook.
He waved lazily at the second orthopedia as he climbed back into his own form-chair.
Sam waved lazily and turned his attention to the viewscreen.
The man in the car waved back lazily, his hand tracing a slow arc.
A glimpse of the crimson banner waving lazily above the Royal Palace brought him back with a thump.
The first few Cheeni now were releasing their Asteri, which waved lazily like a species of underwater plant.