They involve using alternating current in form of sinus shaped current using several frequencies, square wave pulses, sharp impulses and even random noise.
The scientists talked about a wave pulse or a reflected wave, but they lost me on that one.
One reviewer called the arty new wave pulse of "Max Ernst" "raw power played to the edge of control.
Contact with the exterior control motors is by coded wave pulse.
A 100-300 ms square wave electrical pulse is delivered at intensities strong enough to cause a 1-2 cm thumb twitch.
"Particle analysis of the wave pulses."
She sent over her readings of the wave pulses and waited until she heard the chime of its arrival through the open channel.
First it began to generate small wave pulses along its surface, with four or five crests from front to back.
The reason why Futterman introduced the Hilbert transform was to impose causality on the wave pulse.
It can be used with any of the triggering techniques, like external and series, and can produce square wave pulses.