Either way always ensure the wine is opened at the table when you eat out or you'll never be sure what you're drinking.
President Bush needs to find ways to ensure comparable prominence and funding for treatment programs to create balance in the administration's overall effort.
They must also find ways to ensure that patients take their medicine every day for at least the first two months.
What an ingenious way to ensure the survival of the species!
Whatever it is, the best way to ensure that the office pays attention to your issue is to ask for something specific.
This way, the university ensures that faculty and students from across the university are involved.
Congress needs to explore ways to ensure that the flu vaccine is available to anyone who wants it.
This way the railway ensured a population to support the demand for transport with the line.
Buying local foods encourages greater accountability, the best way to ensure our health.
And if he could not-he would find ways to ensure such generosity.