It was less exciting than the moving place they had just been in, but in many ways more suited for enfolding together the self.
Turbochargers are in many ways more suited to operation in diesel engines.
The old two-lane profile without emergency lane was in no way suited to modern levels of traffic, speed, and expected safety.
He shared my father's view that philosophers should dress and behave in a respectable way, suited to their calling.
It has 7,000 processors arranged in a way best suited to matching character strings.
All of our magazines take ethical and environmental issues seriously but cover them in entertaining ways, especially suited to weekend reading.
"We thought the different states would know how to use these funds in ways best suited to their individual needs."
A home of one's own is a fundamental requirement but should be provided in the way best suited to an individual's needs.
Hence we will resolve your conflict in the way most suited to your natures.
Their mother, Grace, was in every way suited to her name.