She admired Noel for his concern over his wayward brother.
After some time, the wayward brother and sister in law have a change of heart and repent for their actions.
Worry ate at her, though she still didn't know if there was anything wrong with her wayward younger brother.
Many on the loyalist side embraced the rebels as wayward brothers.
My presence rattled them that night and the wayward brother got a reprieve.
Save for Mattkah, they all appeared to have forgiven Alex's wayward brother.
Again, that would represent a chance for my wayward brother to claim a kind of victory.
Along the way, we'll sow some traps and see if my wayward brother falls into them.
The first series of stories concentrated on Sexton Blake, and his family history, with a wayward brother turning up.
By the mid-1990s, Veronica Geng had given up on her wayward brother and was not speaking to him.