Waters changed some of the lyrics of "Too Many Parties", making it about the brother of a lawyer instead of a wayward woman.
'Am I now to assume responsibility for every wayward woman in these islands?'
They taught at the University of Maine, but they also operated a home for wayward young women.
In 1684 he founded a monastery near the Santissima Annunziata Maggiore hospital, for wayward young women who wished to take religious vows.
It has long been murmured, no doubt unjustly, that some reformers who undertake the redemption of wayward women may not always be moved by the purest impulses.
A winning, wayward woman: Chapters in the heart-history of Amélie Warden (1889)
She compares the current campaign against "deadbeat dads" to the punishments once given to "wayward women" for having illegitimate children.
The film follows a novelist, her ghost writer, and a wayward young woman as a chance encounter at a rest stop interrupts the delicate balance of their lives.
She has this organization to help wayward women and their children.
All three victims were slightly wayward young women, not much older than your sister.