Finally, he found one strip that still put out a consistent, if weak, glow.
The weak glow of the flashlight gleamed briefly on his hair as he turned back in to the room.
Tomas looked up, his face illuminated by the weak yellow glow of the porch light.
At the head of the wide double bed there is a weak green glow.
A half moon was rising, its glow still too weak to help us recognize features on the ground.
The weak yellow glow of the lights showed a strange look on her face.
He turned and saw a man step into the weak glow of a security light by the Dumpster.
A weak green glow surrounded the shape of the bomb, growing slowly more distinct.
The comforting light of their bonfire was now a weak glow as the swarm closed in behind them.
Matt stared at the weak glow of the fading sun.