But they say its human rights record and weak governance are undermining those successes.
In the 21st century, weak governance, political conflict, and internal violence in countries around the world have become central security challenges for the United States.
Its challenges include widespread poverty, high population growth, deteriorating economic prospects, political tensions, conflict and weak governance.
The report also cited "weak governance and intrusive interventions by the State" which reduced productivity.
The country's fragile political system and weak governance allows for widespread corruption directly influenced by illicit activity.
Each one tries to control the city in a time of very weak and corrupt governance.
We are all aware of the constraints posed by weak governance in African countries.
We all know about Europe's weaknesses: demographics, lack of future expenditure, industrial challenges, government deficit, weak economic governance.
However, a rapidly growing population combined with weak and corrupt governance may be contributing to irreversible destruction.
Last year, three foundations pulled their backing from the Pittsburgh schools because of concerns about financial mismanagement and weak governance.