Our schools and universities began turning out weak imitations of these war-haunted European artists.
She stood near the big window that looked out over the rolling industrial campus, where Maryland's weak imitation of winter was taking hold.
This one sounds like a weak imitation of Kipling.
He termed the Post column a "weak imitation of professional journalism" and a "cheap way" to print a rumor.
And as for France, that weak imitation of Napoleon is far too busy establishing the French in Mexico to be bothered with us.
Now even the aromas were a weak imitation of what he had remembered as a new copilot.
You are a weak imitation of her.
"Rudeness is a weak imitation of strength."
She dipped her knees in a weak imitation of a curtsy.
"I am sighing because I am not really a primitive man instead of a poor, weak imitation of one."