His research focuses on weak gravitational lensing and its applications for cosmology and astrophysics.
Unlike with strong and weak lensing, no single observation can establish that microlensing is occurring.
Observations have been made of weak gravitational lensing, in which light rays are deflected by only a few arcseconds.
It will be used for surveys of weak lensing to determine dark matter distribution.
The galaxy density and mass distribution in the central region of this cluster have also been determined by weak gravitational lensing.
Measuring weak gravitational lensing in the deep sky to detect signatures of dark energy and dark matter.
More generally, the effect causes small, but statistically coherent, distortions of background sources on the order of 10% (cluster weak lensing).
To measure the presence of dark energy, a process called weak lensing will be used.
For each of these bins, the average cluster mass profile will be calculated using weak lensing.
This is referred to as weak gravitational lensing.