As South, he was in three no-trump after a weak two-spade opening on his left.
He held the East cards and made a good decision by defending against four hearts when South's weak two opening was raised to game.
"The ability of the market to overcome a weak opening and a stronger-than-expected construction spending number has brought buyers in," he said.
A weak white opening can result in black taking the initiative and forcing white's moves.
Movies rarely recover from a weak opening because there are too few voices to spread that essential good word of mouth.
He heard a weak two-diamond opening on his right, and decided that his hand was too good to pass.
If the bidding starts with two passes and a weak two-spade opening on your right, how do you plan the auction?
South might well have passed his partner's takeout double of the weak two-heart opening.
After an unexpected weak opening, the film became a moderate box office success.
He used a weak no-trump opening, and his partner raised him to game.