A weaker peso would make it more expensive for the regios to spend their money here.
But a weaker peso led to foreign exchange losses that dragged down profits, which fell 20 percent, to $247 million.
Other Argentine companies are starting to follow Swift's example, taking advantage of a weak peso to export.
The weak peso is threatening United States efforts to restore investors' confidence in Mexico.
It has also meant making the most of the weak peso to export to markets outside Latin America.
If it were not for a weak peso, which keeps the price of imports relatively high, far more farmers would be forced off their land.
While exports have soared on the strength of a weaker peso, domestic sales nosedived.
The peso, historically weak and humble, continued to strengthen against the dollar, leading many to worry that it had become overvalued.
But with currency losses exceeding 35 percent since mid-December, the fear is that a weaker peso might send inflation in this country out of control.
A weak peso affects the dollar because of the close economic ties between the two nations.