Banking in Bolivia has long suffered from corruption and weak regulation.
The market collapsed, a victim of excessive leveraging, speculation and weak regulation.
These companies have benefited greatly from decades of weak or nonexistent regulation, coupled with a tight relationship between big business and big government.
Over leveraged and under capitalised due to weak regulation.
Many officials, analysts and consumer groups blame weak regulation for not preventing Executive Life's problems.
Reinsurers may operate under weaker regulation than their clients.
The crisis has been attributed to a combination of macro-economic turbulence, weak regulation, and bank-specific problems.
Although children often learn well at home, weak regulations in most states mean that officials rarely challenge or monitor parents who say they are home-schooling.
Where you have weak regulation, Chinese companies are not unique in trying to get away with anything.
Areas with weaker regulations or a slower rate of implementation could expose the whole of the global system to risks.