Those cardinals in power saw these actions as an attempt to weaken their influence.
I can diffuse it to include anyone within the villa, which will seriously weaken its influence.
It would only force Soviet leaders to get tougher and weaken Washington's positive influence.
The crisis has gravely undermined Europe's global competitiveness and weakened its political influence.
Like at Irvine, their internal divisions have weakened their political influence.
The state encouraged the migration from rural areas towards cities, partly as an attempt to weaken the Church's influence.
Above all, the opposition's divisions weaken its influence.
A large segment of his faction split off, weakening his influence in the Diet.
He will launch into a passionate discourse on the need for taxpayer-funded political campaigns to weaken corporate influence in Washington.
Rulers did little to make the courts more appealing, for if they stressed rule by law, they weakened their own moral influence.