A mass society is a society in which prosperity and bureaucracy have weakened traditional social ties.
This, in turn, weakened social ties between the North and South, allowing the nation to become even more divided in the 1850s.
They argue that it has complicated Washington's efforts to persuade its allies to weaken their ties to Iran.
Abrams referred to greater mobility and greater choice as weakening the traditional neighbour's ties.
For both of us this does not, nor should not, in any way weaken our strong ties of friendship to the United States.
One suggestion is that low self-esteem weakens ties to society, thus decreasing conformity to social norms and increasing delinquency.
Historians began to weaken their ties with political power in the 1880 decade and wrote neutral works, avoiding the pro-Unitarian bias of the previous works.
Other German officials have warned that the missile defense would weaken military ties between the United States and its European allies.
As rising divorce rates and increased mobility have weakened social and family ties, gifts have taken on a new importance, these sociologists say.
The application of this law would allow a legal route for New Spain to weaken its ties with Spain.