It would eventually kill about 5 million people, and severely weaken the Empire.
However, the manner of replacement might itself weaken the Empire desperately.
The subsequent period, ending around 1000, saw the further growth of feudalism, which weakened the Holy Roman Empire.
Weaken the Empire too much, and they might just walk in and wipe us out.
The civil war further weakened the declining Empire, which had already suffered several devastating civil wars earlier in the century.
The devastation of the 1341-1347 civil war so greatly weakened the Empire that its financial reserves were irrevocably depleted.
Such stupidity and shortsightedness were what weakened the Empire twenty years ago.
However, there was a strong outcry by the opposition that this would weaken the British Empire in a time of need.
This was seen in some quarters in France and elsewhere as an opportunity to weaken the Empire by playing son against father.
But the battle also weakened the already fragile Western Roman Empire, which collapsed 25 years later, in 476.